Torneo della Befana – Minibasket – Padova

Memorandum for coaches and families

The values The Epiphany Tournament is born to thrill all the children who participate in it through the emotions and the dreams which they will live during these days of matches.The Epiphany Tournament promotes sports, attaching importance to the educational values, collaborated on the growth of children basketball, joining teams from all over Italy and beyond, guarantees fun […]

Thanks to…

Special thanks to… Andrea Beghin Responsible for entries and logistics, responsible for the Tournament promotion and for the website hurricanebasketball.itEmanuele Mura Responsible for finances, marketing and logistics Fabio Facci Responsible for the Gyms of LimenaFlavio Camporese Responsible for the Gyms of CamposampieroNicola Calligaris Responsible for the Gym of CaltanaEmanuele Mura Responsible for the Gym of […]


Game rules male category – Befana Tournament 2015   Category On the 17th Edition of the Befana Tournament male category can participate the teams composed by the kids born in the years 2004-2005.   The match The match consist of 4 periods of 8 minutes each. During the match the count of the time will […]


A free participation minibasket Tournament that every year, from seventeen years, is sold out. Just this as a guarantee of quality?The Epiphany Tournament, arranged by a young, dynamic and prepared staff, is one of the many wonderful events that demonstrate the importance and at the same time qualify our game-sports. You play, you run, you […]


A free participation minibasket Tournament that every year, from seventeen years, is sold out. Just this as a guarantee of quality?The Epiphany Tournament, arranged by a young, dynamic and prepared staff, is one of the many wonderful events that demonstrate the importance and at the same time qualify our game-sports. You play, you run, you […]

Playing fields

ALPI Via Verdi, Limena, PD ROMERO Via Verdi, Limena, PD MORTISE Via Cardan, Mortise, PD PIOMBINO DESE Via Pozzetto, Piombino Dese, PD TORRESELLEVia Piave, Torreselle di Piombino Dese, PD CALTANAVia Cavour, Caltana di Santa Maria di Sala, VEDON BOSCOvia Trento Trieste, Camposampiero, PD PALACERTOSAVia Certosa, Vigodarzere, PD


Group Blue – LIMENA ALPI Team Province Mb Limena Padova Cmb Orfeo Padova Asd Basket Calcinaia Pisa Inglesina Pallacanestro Altavilla Vicenza S.s. Mens Sana 1871 Siena Verde Siena Group Black – CAMPOSAMPIERO PALESTRA Team Province A.s.d. Olimpia Camposampiero Padova Basket Petrarca Padova Minibasket Bassano Vicenza Minibasket Sarcedo Vicenza Cmb Basketrieste Trieste Group Green – PIOMBINO DESE Team […]

Boys Tournament Schedule

JANUARY 2, 2015 – FIRST PHASE Limena Alpi Group Teams Score Game Time 9.00 Blue Mb Limena – Cmb Orfeo 15-38 1 Time 10.30 Blue Mb Limena – Inglesina Pallacanestro Altavilla 25-47 2 Time 12.00 Blue S.s. Mens Sana 1871 Siena Verde – Cmb Orfeo 30-24 3 Time 13.30 Blue Inglesina Pallacanestro Altavilla – Asd Basket Calcinaia 51-16 […]


Pos. Team 1 Reyer Venezia 2 Virtus Padova 3 Basket Riviera 4 Basket Petrarca 5 Gladiatori 6 A.s.d. Virtus Siena 7 A.s.d. Basket Dolo Dolphins 2004 8 S.s. Mens Sana 1871 Siena Verde 9 A.s.d. Basket Salzano ’03 10 Pallacanestro Vigodarzere 11 Cmb BaskeTrieste 12 Buster Verona 13 Centro Minibasket Leoncino 14 Ic Carrè-Chiuppano-Zanè 15 […]