Torneo della Befana – Minibasket – Padova

The 15th edition of the Befana tournament begins on Wednesday and ends on Saturday in the beautiful setting of PalaBerta in Montegrotto. Presented yesterday in the Council Room of Villa Fantin in Piombino Dese, and addressed to the Aquilotti Minibasket players, the tournament is organized by Play & Ground Hurricane Basketball in collaboration with local companies (the three Padua teams Virtus, 3P CRM, NP Dese più Bassano) and sponsored by FIP and municipalities involved. The edition of this year sees 48 teams (including the champions of the Riviera Arcella and Macedonians KK Tomas), divided into 8 groups and as many locations: gyms Alps and Romero Limena, gym via Tadi, Palamortise, Palasport of Piombino Dese, middle school gym of Taggì di Sotto, Cavino in San Giorgio delle Pertiche, Parolini in Bassano.
«The Befana Tournament – emphasize the creator Leopoldo Carraro – was founded in 1999 with the desire to let know to all the boys and girls who take part the essential meaning of the Minibasket must bring, through the very important function of the instructors that do not need to create mini-champions maybe already tired in adolescence but a new generation of basketball players that in the near future will be able to accept their technical limits and that will always make every effort to improve».
Solidarity and Fairplay: the Tournament will donate funds to the Fontana Foundation Onlus for the support of Saint Martin in Kenya, while at the best athlete and leader, for behavior inside and outside the ground, will be given the awards “Alessandro Basso” and “Valerio Tontini”.

Il Gazzettino – Edizione Padova – 30/12/2012

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